Delivery Options

The item will be delivered to your location.

The shipping is free nationwide. If you are located in the same state with the supplier, you will receive your item in the same day you pay your invoice.
If you are located in a different state, delivering your merchandise to your location will vary depending on the shippers terms and distance and you will receive the item within 2-3 business days.

Contact our logistic department after buying an item, in order to get the delivery details including the tracking number.

We also provide and handle all of the necessary paperwork to make things as streamlined and convenient as possible for you.
If an user would like to have items shipped to a different address, further written documentation will be required.
Any time you can visit your Tracking page and using your assigned Tracking number, you can track your purchase.

Here are few things to remember:
- Upon transaction completion the tracking number will be available in your PawnGoods account, at Tracking page.
- Check the tracking number and find the delivery date. Try to be at home or allow a family member in order to sign the papers and receive the item(s) on your behalf.
- Most items will shipped in the same day prior to payment, unless otherwise noted on the item description. Over-sized merchandise may take longer than usual. .
- After item arrival you have the benefit of 30 days money back warranty which includes coverage if the item does not match the description or is by any mean faulty. In this case our dedicated team will make an inspection to establish the item condition. It is your duty to check if the item was damaged during delivery.