
High-quality items only!
Thank to our extensive experience in the used items market and long-term cooperation with leading leasing companies, legislative fiscal agencies and banks we have the opportunity to auction only high-quality items.

To make you sure about that, we will provide you with:
All service documents and maintenance history from the leasing companies, legislative fiscal agencies and banks to prove the mileage and to confirm that maintenance and repair of each vehicle was performed in a timely fashion and only by authorised service centres.

Collaboration with leading leasing companies, legislative fiscal agencies and banks.
Pawn Goods Auction cooperates with more than 100 major leasing companies nationwide. In our auction you can buy items at competitive prices from all over.

Years of international experience
All our experience and detailed understanding of the business allowed us to create the most convenient platform for trading in used items.

In order to make purchase of an item that would be the most profitable, fast and comfortable for you, we took into account all the important points: from providing all the service documentation for items to organizing convenient delivery by specialists of Pawn Goods Auction.

Pawn Goods Auction stands by all of the products sold on our website with a comprehensive inspection and description of every item.

We are committed to offering the highest standards of customer service. However, if you are not satisfied with any aspect of any of our services, please let us know and we will endeavour to do everything we can to put things right as quickly as possible. It is important for us that you are given the opportunity to question what has been done if you are not happy with it. We wish to learn from any mistake so that we can improve our service to you.
We want you to be completely happy with our service and the products we offer you and we are committed to listening to your feedback, resolving any issues wherever we can. If you are not happy with our products or service, please tell us your concerns by contacting us.

All online communications between your computer or mobile device and our servers are encrypted using the highest grade secure socket layer certificates and extended validation (EV). The same type of SSL certificates used for online banking.

Your submitted personal and transactional information is safely stored in our database and is not shared with any third parties accept those required by jurisdictional pawn lending laws. We do not accept stolen assets; all assets are checked against national databases before extending offers. All transaction details, including item photos are provided to law enforcement daily as we work closely with law enforcement agencies in crime prevention efforts.

Our offices data security implementations entail the use of best of breed firewalls and intrusion prevention technologies. Pawn Goods Auction founder brought with him over 16 years of data security experience working with companies such as worldwide leader in networking Cisco System; incorporating this knowledge into all aspects of Pawn Goods Auction management platform, networks and servers.

Lastly, every employee of Pawn Goods Auction has been fingerprinted and passed criminal background check processes. Confidence in your privacy and security in your assets while you enjoy using them for your short term lending needs is our business and joy.